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Study In Germany Without Blocked Account

Is it possible to study in Germany without a blocked account?
YES, if you fulfill one of the requirements.
Listed as one of the prerequisites for obtaining a German visa above 90 days, proof of sufficient funds for the visa duration must be presented.
If you are coming from abroad to study in Germany or to search for a job, chances are you might be required to open a blocked account. In this article, you will find all the latest options for the blocked accounts, exceptions and the steps required to open one.

Blocked Account Exceptions

Studying in Germany without a blocked account is possible if you fulfill one of the requirements listed below:

  1. Scholarship from an educational establishment (full list of scholarships is available here).
  2. Confirmation of government funding or approved student loan in Germany
    • Scholarship must come from a reputed government or Educational institution (e.g., DAAD, Max Planck)
    • The sum must cover your living expenses
  3. Invitation from a friend or relative living in Germany (Verpflichtungserklärung)
    • This person will be responsible to support you financially during your studies
    • The reason for the invitation must be clearly stated: “Studium” (studies)
    • This document must be obtained in person at an Alien’s Registration Office in Germany

In case you do not match any of the requirements above, the blocked account becomes a mandatory prerequisite for the visa in order to study in Germany.

Blocked Account Amount

A student is allowed to withdraw a monthly sum of 853 € after reaching Germany, hence the blocked account balance at the time of the visa application must be 10,236€ (2019).

This is the minimum living standard for 12 months in Germany in 2019. If you are studying for a shorter period and need a blocked account for a German language course or Job Seeker Visa, then you need to open an account with the amount equivalent to the number of months you plan to stay in Germany.

Blocked Account Options

The bank account for students, who require a visa (India, China, Pakistan, Russia, Colombia, etc.) must be opened before the visa application. You can open a blocked account from your home country at:

  • Deutsche Bank
  • Fintiba
  • Expatrio
  • Coracle - the best option for international students in 2020!
    • Open the account just in 2 days max!

Here you can find more useful information about the Blocked Account and #1 Online Blocked Account Choice for International Students.
The last few years, more and more available options for opening a blocked account appeared to simplify the visa process for the foreign students, as an example, country-specific banks:

  • Kotak Mahindra (India)
  • Isbank (Turkey)
  • UBL Bank (Pakistan)

Citizens from countries like Japan, Australia, Chile, Brazil, who have visa-free entry to Germany would be required to open an account after coming to Germany. There is plenty of available banks to open the blocked account in person after the arrival:

  • Hypovereinsbank
  • Commerzbank
  • Postbank
  • Sparkasse

If you are unsure which group of students you belong to (nationality wise), find your country on the list for the visa regulations here.

Blocked Account Documents & Deadlines

The list of documents is subjective due to nationality and the bank provider. However, the majority of the documents include:

  1. Valid Passport
  2. Application Form
  3. Offer Letter
    • Conditional / Provisional Letter will suffice
  4. Income Statement and /or Bank Statement
  5. The Prepaid fee to open the bank account at the provider

It is highly recommended to start looking for the blocked account as soon as you have decided on the university choice. You need to monitor the visa appointment dates and calculate at least 2 weeks to 1-month time to allocate to the blocked account opening procedure.

On average, it takes 1 week to open the blocked account and transfer the sum followed by 1-week processing time. Afterward, you will receive the confirmation e-mail, which is sufficient for the German Embassy.
Attention: due to the extended queues (mostly May to November), the processing times vary.

Blocked Account Procedure

First, you need to decide on a provider. According to the provider, you are either required to submit an online form or to send the documents via DHL Express shipment. However, the majority of the procedures include:

  1. Step one is to choose the bank you would like to open the account with
  2. Step two is to fill-out application form taken directly from the website of the provider
    • Deutsche Bank requires proper legalization at the German embassy
  3. Step three is to organize the money transfer
    • Deutsche Bank requires information on the sources where the money is coming from and their relation to you

Afterward, you will receive the confirmation, which you would need to take with you during the visa interview together with the other documents.