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Prepare For Germany Student Visa Interview

Germany is known for its excellent infrastructure and attractive scholarship packages for students interested in studying at universities there. Besides the latest curriculum and living facilities, students who perform well are offered jobs in the country itself and a chance to settle down permanently. For the individuals who harbour dreams of studying in Europe, Germany can offer a great deal in terms of travel, accommodation, food, and free tuition. Germany is right now one of the most popular destinations for students from all over the world. Hosting some of the finest universities in the world, this country offers opportunity magnanimously. Here are some questions asked.

Student Visa Interview Questions: Germany

The visa interview is an important step in the process of Studying Abroad. Once you have submitted your application for your National Visa, which will permit you to stay and study in Germany, along with the supporting documents, you will receive a call to attend an interview.

How the interview works

The interview will be conducted by the concerned official at the German consulate. The objective of the interview is to establish that you are a genuine, credible student, who is coming to Germany for academic purposes alone. Prepping for the interview seriously and well in advance is the key to successfully clearing it. First, you must ensure that you are in possession of all the necessary documents prior to the interview and are aware of all the related procedures. The second important step is plenty of preparation for the interview itself. By familiarising yourself with the kinds of questions that are likely to be asked, and preparing your answers accordingly, you will gain the confidence to handle the interview well.

Interview Questions

There is no fixed format or number of questions that you will be asked during the interview. The following are the main areas of information that you are likely to be asked about.

Decision to take up further studies in Germany

Including questions related to your reasons for picking the country, the university, and/or the programme, in terms of their relevance to your career plan; as well as your decision to study abroad, as opposed to your home country.

Knowledge about Germany

You may be asked general questions in terms of what you know about the country, its culture and cultural landmarks, and so on.

Information about future studies in Germany

Including questions related to the structure and syllabus of your course, or information about the university.

Current academic and skills level

You will be asked about your latest qualifications, the connection between your course and what you have studied thus far, and about relevant work experience. Several programmes in Germany require international students to be certified B1 in the German language. You must have clarity on the language requirements of your programme, as well as for living in Germany, and how you have/plan to address the same.

Common information about the study field

You may be asked basic information about your chosen field of study, for instance about the kind of research being done in the field etc.

Current and future financial status

Including information about your current financial status; how you plan to pay for your current and subsequent years of study in terms of both course fees and living expenses; sponsorship if any; and loans taken, if any. If you have any plans to work alongside your studies, you must be clear on whether you have the permission to do so, what are the associated rules and regulations, and why you wish to take up work. You must indicate how the work will benefit you academically, as you are not permitted to rely on work to fund your stay in Germany.

Accommodation in Germany

Including information about where you plan to stay, and how you will be paying for your accommodation.

Relationships with people living in Germany/Europe

Including information about any relatives currently living in Germany or elsewhere in Europe, their purpose for living there, their visa status, and the nature of your relationship with them.

Holidays and semester-break

You may be asked how you plan to spend your semester-break, for instance, whether you plan to return home, or remain in Germany/Europe, and why.

Plans for the future

Including your long-term career plan, and your plans to return to your home country. If you intend to apply for a work permit, you will have to be thorough on the rules and regulations associated with the same. You will have to give reasons for whatever decisions you are taking.

Important Tips for Preparation

Prepare the necessary information:

Be aware of all the important practical information that you must know about, particularly those related to your course and your financial status. You must also be aware of all the rules related to international students in Germany.

Think about your reasons:

The answers to the reason-based questions are entirely subjective. Think of valid and specific reasons. Avoid general statements.

Bad answer:

“The university is renowned worldwide for its engineering programme.”

Good answer:

“The department at the university has several faculty members, including Dr X and Professor Y, who have research strengths in the area of medical technology. This is the area in which I wish to work, and I am looking forward to benefiting from their expertise.”

Do not learn by rote:

While preparation is essential, you must not try to memorise your answers in advance. If you do so, the interviewer will be able to recognise that you have and you will make a bad impression. Furthermore, if you are asked about something that you have not prepared for, you will be at a loss for words, creating an even worse impression.

Be honest:

Do not falsify any information or leave anything out in response to a question. If you are caught being dishonest, your application is likely to be rejected outright.

Be yourself:

Do not try to appear to be anything that you are not – whether this is in terms of mentioning skills or interests that you do not possess, or even using words that you do not understand or a fake accent.