Student Counselling

HNH Consultancy is involved in student recruitment, English language training and testing, Educational fairs and outreach activities. HNH is exclusive recruitment partner & country office holder for various educational institutions and in this capacity is extensively involved in screening of the students, documents checking, linkage activity with Pakistani institutions, keeping partner institutions profile high in competitive education market. We recruit around 100 students each year for international markets. HNH has 5 offices worldwide–Pakistan, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany and USA. HNH is signatory with Background checks – a company we use for document vetting and screening. HNH do not use sub agents, focus on quality of student rather than quantity and build its reputation with partner Institutions.

HNH is trained by Education UK, ICEF Agents Training Program and PIER Australia.

Services of HNH Consultancy:

6 Countries

Located in 6 Countries across World

Education Counsellors

Experienced & Certified Education Counsellors

5+ years of service

A truly global student consultancy with 5+ years of service

50+ Partner

More than 50+ Partner Institutions around the globe

High Visa Success Rate

High Visa Success Rate

Honest Counselling

Unmatched reputation for honest counselling with integrity


HNH CONSULTANCY offer following services

for students who are applying abroad

  Admission Counseling:

HNH CONSULTANCY provide one to one counseling session for students and parents to select their study destination abroad. We consider student academic background, preferred course and county, and financial affordability. HNH CONSULTANCY provides honest and fair counseling to aspiring students and guides them which course/country will be best for them as per their preferences. For us, it’s not a file, it’s a life depending on us to make the right decision at right time!
To book a private counseling session with HNH CONSULTANCY contact us

 Student Visa Assistance & Appeals:

This is most critical service we provide to our students. Good & strong visa application will decide your future. So make it count and take best service to have your visa application prepared with all loose ends addressed! Visa applications include information about student profile, financial details of sponsors, student ties with home country & what benefits student will get with a degree abroad. Your visa application will speak itself in front of visa officer as you may not be there to answer questions of visa officers. HNH CONSULTANCY also prepare students for student visa interviews (In UK these are called Credibility Interviews).
We also guide you about financial documents you need to include and what alternative you may have for showing financial strength of your family to support you.

 Scholarships Abroad:

Everybody wants a Scholarship! Right! We do have partial scholarships & discounts at our partner institutions abroad. Generally, you must have a good GPA, a strong academic profile & good English proficiency proved by an approved English Test. Financial support also comes like free accommodation, fee reduction, and a discounted fee for a subsequent year of your degree if you are going for an undergraduate degree. We do not have full scholarships though.

 English Language Tests and Preparations:

English Tests are typically required for admission and visa applications in most countries. Which test to choose? Which is easier than others? What is the cost of test and how can prepare for it? We also offer special packages for test bookings and preparations which can include test fee waiver, discounted preparation & a free mock test.

 International Health Cover:

In many countries students are require to purchase health insurance before they apply for visa. HNH CONSULTANCY has arrangements with health cover companies and you can purchase the insurance from us on discount.

 Student Accommodation Abroad:

On campus accommodation, off campus with other students and live with your relative who is near campus! Most students choose off campus accommodation with other students due to less costs and other advantages like home cooked meals! Some choose on campus due to security, ease of attending daily classes at campus and single sex hostels / accommodation for married students.

  • HNH CONSULTANCY can connect you with Pakistani students already at destination city to find suitable accommodation.
  • We can also book your accommodation on campus & connect you with relevant accommodation companies.

  WhatsApp chat groups of students already abroad:

Once your visa will be approved, HNH CONSULTANCY will add you to WhatsApp group of Pakistani students of that country so that you can connect with fellow mates and chit chat with them to get practical information before you land in foreign country!

 Fee payment Bank transfers:

HNH CONSULTANCY is in agreement with Link International Money Exchange for solution of fee & other payment transfers abroad. HNH CONSULTANCY can guide you about opening a Bank account abroad and getting required approvals.